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    WheelRandomizer: Your Go-To Tool for Making Random Selections

    WheelRandomizer is an innovative online tool that allows you to create customizable spinner wheels for making random selections. Whether you need to choose a winner for a contest, pick a random name, or make any other unbiased decision, WheelRandomizer simplifies the process with its user-friendly interface and powerful features.

    With WheelRandomizer, you can:

    • Create personalized spinner wheels with your own inputs
    • Adjust the size of each input to change its probability of being selected
    • Spin the wheel to make a random selection
    • Show or hide specific inputs or all inputs at once
    • Customize the appearance of your wheel with different colors and fonts
    • Easily copy and paste multiple inputs from a list
    • Use fullscreen mode for distraction-free spinning

    WheelRandomizer is the perfect tool for a wide range of applications, such as:

    • Giveaways and contests
    • Classroom activities and games
    • Decision making
    • Randomizing tasks or chores
    • And much more!

    How to Use Spinner Wheel

    2.1 Creating Your Wheel

    To get started with WheelRandomizer, simply visit the website and you'll be presented with a default spinner wheel. You can start customizing it right away by adding your own inputs.

    Adding Inputs

    1. Click on the "Add +" button or any empty slot on the wheel.
    2. Type in your desired input (e.g., a name, word, or number).
    3. Press Enter or click outside the input box to save it.
    4. Repeat these steps to add more inputs to your wheel. You can add as many inputs as you need, and the wheel will automatically adjust its size to accommodate them.

    2.2 Spinning the Wheel

    Once you've added all your inputs, it's time to spin the wheel and let it make a random selection for you. Simply click on the "Spin" button at the center of the wheel, and it will start rotating. When it stops, the selected input will be highlighted.

    You can choose to remove the selected item from the wheel by clicking "Remove," or you can keep it and spin again by clicking "Spin Again."

    2.3 How to Update Your Spinner Wheel Inputs

    If you want to modify, add, or remove inputs from your wheel, WheelRandomizer makes it easy:

    • To edit an existing input, click on it and type in your changes.
    • To remove an input, click the "X" button next to it.
    • To add a new input, click on any empty slot or the "Add +" button.

    2.4 Showing and Hiding All Wheel Inputs at Once

    WheelRandomizer provides a convenient way to show or hide all inputs on your wheel simultaneously. This feature is useful when you want to focus on specific inputs or declutter your wheel.

    To show or hide all inputs:

    1. Click on the "Show/Hide All" button below the wheel.
    2. All inputs will be hidden, and empty slots will appear on the wheel.
    3. Click "Show/Hide All" again to make all inputs visible.

    You can also show or hide individual inputs by clicking the eye icon next to each one.

    2.5 Using Fullscreen Mode

    When you want to display your spinner wheel without distractions, WheelRandomizer's fullscreen mode comes in handy. It enlarges the wheel to fill your entire screen, making it perfect for presentations or live events.

    To enter fullscreen mode:

    1. Click the "Fullscreen" button below the wheel.
    2. The wheel will expand to fill your screen, hiding all other elements.
    3. Click "Exit Fullscreen" or press Esc to return to the normal view.

    2.6 Other Features

    WheelRandomizer offers additional features to enhance your experience:

    • Shuffle Inputs: Click the "Shuffle" button to randomize the order of your inputs on the wheel.
    • Wheel Settings: Customize the appearance of your wheel, including colors, fonts, spin duration, and more.
    • Responsive Design: WheelRandomizer works seamlessly on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

    3. Customizing Your Wheel

    One of the standout features of WheelRandomizer is its customization options. You can personalize your spinner wheel to match your preferences or branding. Here's how:

    1. Click on the "Wheel Settings" button below the wheel.
    2. In the settings panel, you can:
      • Choose a color scheme for your wheel
      • Select a font style for the input labels
      • Adjust the spin duration and speed
      • Enable or disable sound effects
      • And more!

    Your changes will be applied instantly, allowing you to preview your customized wheel.

    Feel free to experiment with different settings until you find the perfect look and feel for your spinner wheel.

    4. Copying a List of Inputs to WheelRandomizer

    If you already have a list of inputs prepared, WheelRandomizer makes it easy to add them to your wheel all at once. No need to manually type each input!

    4.1 Open the "Copy & Paste Inputs" Window

    1. Click on the "Copy & Paste Inputs" button below the wheel.
    2. A new window will appear, providing instructions and a text area.

    4.2 Copying Your Inputs

    1. Open the file or document containing your list of inputs.
    2. Select and copy all the inputs you want to add to your wheel.
    3. Make sure each input is on a separate line.
    4. Avoid including blank lines between inputs.

    4.3 Pasting Your Inputs and Adding Them to Your Wheel

    1. Return to the WheelRandomizer "Copy & Paste Inputs" window.
    2. Click inside the text area and paste your copied inputs.
    3. Each input should appear on a new line within the text area.
    4. Click the "Add Inputs" button to import the inputs to your wheel.

    That's it! Your wheel will now display all the imported inputs, ready for spinning and random selection.

    Whether you're a teacher, event organizer, or anyone in need of a reliable randomization tool, WheelRandomizer has you covered. With its customizable wheels, easy input management, and fullscreen mode, it's the perfect solution for all your random selection needs.